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Rich Client Programming de Tim Boudreau, Jaroslav Tulach y Geertjan Wielenga

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Rich Client Programming de Tim Boudreau, Jaroslav Tulach y Geertjan Wielenga Empty Rich Client Programming de Tim Boudreau, Jaroslav Tulach y Geertjan Wielenga

Mensaje  Admin (Viruz) Miér Nov 14, 2012 3:53 am

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Siguiendo con el tema de la plataforma de NetBeans un libro el cual me ha servido demasiado es el que les dejo a continuación, ya saldrá en diciembre la 2 versión donde se espera con ansias.

Algunos datos de este libro:

Rich Client Programming
Plugging into the NetBeansTM Platform

Tim Boudreau
Jaroslav Tulach
Geertjan Wielenga

Prentice Hall


Chapter One Getting Started with the NetBeans Platform

1.1 Setting Up the IDE
1.2 NetBeans IDE Basics
1.2.1 Creating a Module
1.2.2 Creating an Application
1.2.3 Using File Templates
1.2.4 Declaring Dependencies
1.2.5 Running a Module
1.2.6 Branding an Application
1.2.7 Distributing an Application

Chapter Two The Benefits of Modular Programming

2.1 Distributed Development
2.2 Modular Applications
2.2.1 Versioning
2.2.2 Secondary Versioning Information
2.2.3 Dependency Management
2.3 A Modular Programming Manifesto
2.4 Using NetBeans to Do Modular Programming

Chapter Three Modular Architecture

3.1 Modules—The Assembly Units of a Modular Application
3.2 Types of Modules
3.2.1 End-User Interface Module
3.2.2 Simple Library
3.2.3 Multiple Vendor Support
3.2.4 Modular Library
3.3 Module Lifecycle
3.4 Groups of Modules

Chapter Four Loosely Coupled Communication

4.1 Registration and Discovery
4.2 MetaInf Services
4.3 The Global Lookup
4.4 Writing an Extension Point

Chapter Five Lookup

5.1 Objects That Own Lookups
5.2 Lookup as a Communication Mechanism
5.3 Lookups and Proxying
5.4 Lookup and Selection
5.5 Writing Lookup-Sensitive Actions
5.6 Tracking the Global Selection
5.7 Legacy Variants of the Lookup Pattern in NetBeans APIs
5.8 Common Lookup Patterns

Chapter Six Filesystems

6.1 FileSystems and FileObjects
6.2 What Kinds of FileSystems Will I Be Dealing With?
6.3 Layering
6.4 XML Filesystems
6.5 Declarative Registration II: The System Filesystem
6.5.1 How the System Filesystem Works
6.5.2 The System Filesystem Is Read/Write
6.5.3 Using FileChangeEvents from the System Filesystem
6.5.4 Exploring the System Filesystem—Menus
6.6 Getting from FileObjects to Java Objects
6.6.1 Using Factory Methods to Create Objects from .instance Files
6.6.2 Programmatic Access to the System Filesystem
6.6.3 Using .settings Files
6.7 Browsing the System Filesystem
6.8 Conclusions
6.8.1 Commonly Used Folders in the System Filesystem

Chapter Seven Threading, Listener Patterns, and MIME Lookup

7.1 Creating the Modules and SPI
7.2 Implementing ListModelProvider
7.2.1 Setting Up Dependencies
7.2.2 Creating XmlListModelProvider
7.2.3 Registering XmlListModelProvider
7.3 Providing a UI Component
7.3.1 The MIME Lookup SPI and API
7.3.2 Providing a Window Component to Show List Models
7.4 Using the Pseudo Navigator
7.5 Conclusion: PseudoNavigator—What’s Wrong with This Picture?

Chapter Eight The Window System

8.1 What the Window System Does
8.2 Classes in the Window System API
8.3 Using TopComponent
8.4 Persisting State across Sessions
8.4.1 Window System Persistence Modes
8.5 Window System Persistence Data
8.6 Creating Editor-Style (Nondeclarative) TopComponents
8.6.1 Opening Your Component Somewhere Else
8.7 Advanced Window System Configuration: Defining Your Own Modes
8.8 Using TopComponent Groups
8.8.1 Opening a Component Group Programmatically

Chapter Nine Nodes, Explorer Views, Actions, and Presenters

9.1 The Nodes API
9.1.1 Using the Nodes API
9.2 The Explorer API
9.2.1 Types of Explorer View Components
9.2.2 Creating a TopComponent to Display Nodes
9.2.3 Adding a Detail View
9.2.4 Adding Another Detail View Using the Explorer API
9.3 Actions
9.3.1 Presenters
9.3.2 The Actions API and Standard NetBeans Actions
9.3.3 Installing Global Actions in Menus, Toolbars, and Keyboard
9.3.4 Context-Aware Actions
9.4 Node Properties
9.5 Nodes and DataObjects: Creating a System Filesystem Browser
9.6 Epilogue: Of Nodes, Property Sheets, and User Interface Design

Chapter Ten DataObjects and DataLoaders

10.1 DataObjects: Where Do They Come From?
10.2 Adding Support for a New File Type
10.2.1 Adding Support for Manifest Files to NetBeans
10.2.2 Providing a Manifest Object from Manifest Files
10.2.3 Providing ManifestProvider from ManifestDataObject and
10.2.4 Icon Badging
10.2.5 Testing ManifestDataObject with JUnit
10.3 Using Custom File Types Internally
10.4 Serialized Objects and the System Filesystem

Chapter Eleven Graphical User Interfaces

11.1 Introduction
11.2 Creating a New GUI Form
11.3 Placing and Aligning a Component in a Form
11.4 Setting Component Size and Resizability
11.5 Specifying Component Behavior and Appearance
11.6 Generating Event Listening and Handling Methods

Y más...

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Rich Client Programming

Autor: Viruz study
Enlace: Rich Client Programming
Admin (Viruz)
Admin (Viruz)

Mensajes : 148
Fecha de inscripción : 23/09/2012
Edad : 36
Localización : Desktop

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